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OpenResty RC1 is out

Johnny Wang , 17 Apr 2023 (created 17 Apr 2023)

We have just kicked out a new release candidate, OpenResty RC1, for the community to test out.

Source package

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Windows binary packages

Win64 version:

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Win32 version:

PGP for the Win32 zip file:

Version Highlights

  • LuaJIT
    • Avoid negation of signed integers in C that may hold INT*_MIN, since recent C compilers 'take advantage' of the undefined behavior, this completely changes the meaning of expressions like (k == -k).
    • Correct fix for stack check when recording BC_VARG.
    • Fix trace join to BC_JLOOP originating from BC_ITERN.
    • Fix math.floor() and math.ceil().
    • Many fixes imported from Mike Pall's upstream repository.
  • Implemented monotonic_msec() and monotonic_time() in resty.core.time.
  • Apple Silicon FFI ABI limitation workaround.
  • Reimplemented tcpsock:sslhandshake, coroutine wrapper, and ngx.req.is_internal with FFI.
  • SSL/TLS supports passphrase protected private key.
  • Fixed a segmentation fault when get headers via ngx.req.raw_header with malformed requests.
  • Fixed potential null pointer dereference.
  • lua-cjson module
    • empty_array can not work on Apple because cjson did not compare light userdata address with masked address. Since we used json_lightudata_mask when creating lightuserdata, same mask should be applied when comparing the return of touserdata.
  • headers-more-nginx-module module
    • Fixed crash while accessing uninitialized pointer.
  • lua-resty-websocket module
    • Added mtls client cert support.
  • lua-resty-memcached module
    • Implemented init_pipeline(), commit_pipeline(), and cancel_pipeline().

Full Change logs

Complete change logs since the last (formal) release,

  • upgraded lua-nginx-module to v0.10.24

    • bugfix: ngx_http_lua_ffi_worker_pids() should also be supported on windows. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness. Thanks usrtax for the patch.
    • feature: introduced new API ngx_http_lua_get_lua_http10_buffering(). Thanks Xiaobo Liu for the patch.
    • feature: add new APIs to manipulate the coctx. Thanks Xiaobo Liu for the patch.
    • bugfix: the cleanup of the HTTP request will not be called for the request created by ngx_http_lua_create_fake_request(). Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: cosocket did not exit when worker_shutdown_timeout handler is called. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: implement HTTP 3.0 support for ngx.req.http_version(). Thanks Yu.Zhu for the patch.
    • bugfix: fix receiveuntil rest bytes count. Thanks ZongRun for the patch.
    • bugfix: add a timed recycling child process as a last resort. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: add new FFI API ngx_http_lua_ffi_msec. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: did not wakeup coroutine when worker thread finished. Thanks kingluo for the patch.
    • feature: add ngx_http_lua_ffi_worker_pids to get all workers pid map. Thanks attenuation for the patch.
    • bugfix: run_worker_thread arg is self-reference. Thanks fesily for the patch.
    • feature: introduced new API tcpsock:bind(). Thanks doujiang24 for the patch.
    • feature: add shdict APIs into worker thread. Thanks jinhua luo for the patch.
    • bugfix: set flags for Darwin arm64. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: improved handling of multiple headers changed in nginx 1.23.0. Thanks Hiroaki Nakamura for the patch.
    • change: increased the maximum size to 65536 for the udp datagram. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • optimize: destroy pipe proc when freeing the request. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • optimize: add error log when closing the pipe failed. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: fix potential null pointer dereference found by Coverity. Thanks Ilya Shipitsin for the patch.
    • optimize: fixed dead code found by Coverity. Thanks Ilya Shipitsin for the patch.
    • feature: in content_by_lua_file, return 503 for file read error. Thanks jizhuozhi for the patch.
    • bugfix: Apple Silicon FFI ABI limitation workaround. Thanks Chrono for the patch.
    • bugfix: failed to compile when nginx https is disabled. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: add server_rewrite_by_lua*. Thanks xiaobiaozhao for the patch.
    • cosocket: add function tcpsock:setclientcert, reimplemented tcpsock:sslhandshake with FFI. Thanks Datong Sun for the patch.
    • optimize: use ngx_hash_t to optimize the built-in header look-up process for ngx.header.HEADER. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: add FFI implementation for ngx.arg getter. Thanks 罗泽轩 for the patch.
    • bugfix: fixed size of the array when initialized in the init_worker_by* phase. Thanks Jiahao Wang for the patch.
    • bugfix: ambiguous error message 'connection in dubious state' when connection is closed. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: passing the wrong chunkname argument to luaL_loadbuffer. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • optimize: change lua chunkname to config filename and line number for {init,header_filter,body_filter}_by_lua_block and so on. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • change: the error message should use the first line rather than the last line of the code block when loading lua code block fails. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: segment fault when get header via ngx.req.raw_header with malformed requests. Thanks Gordon McKinney for the patch.
    • change: remove useless code for get old_cpath. Thanks Tinglong Yang for the patch.
    • bugfix: ngx.run_worker_thread injected API into the wrong table. Thanks jinhua luo for the patch.
    • feature: add API to fetch raw nginx SSL pointer of the downstream request. Thanks James Callahan for the patch.
    • feature: SSL/TLS: support for passphrase protected key. Thanks guanglinlv for the patch.
    • feature: expose the 'Last-Modified' response header as ngx.header["Last-Modified"]. Thanks cbeckr for the patch.
    • bugfix: posted event handler was called after event memory was freed. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • optimize: don't calculate hash when clearing the request header. Thanks spacewander for the patch.
    • feature: check the number of parameters for ngx.thread.wait. Thanks tan jinhua for the patch.
    • change: use nil instead of false when lpush & rpush overflow. Thanks yang.yang for the patch.
    • feature: prevent calling ngx.exit() with invalid values. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
    • feature: added FFI-based function ngx_http_lua_ffi_req_is_internal. Thanks chronolaw for the patch.
    • feature: added http const HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED. Thanks Landon Manning for the patch.
  • upgraded stream-lua-nginx-module to v0.0.13

    • bugfix: ngx_stream_lua_ffi_worker_pids() should also be supported on windows. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: introduced new API ngx_stream_lua_ffi_monotonic_msec. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: add CONTEXT_YIELDABLE constant to stream subsys. Thanks 罗泽轩 for the patch.
    • bugfix: wrong size for the pending timers. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: add ngx_stream_lua_ffi_worker_pids to get all workers pid map. Thanks attenuation for the patch.
    • bugfix: Apple Silicon FFI ABI limitation workaround. Thanks Chrono for the patch.
    • feature: SSL/TLS supports passphrase protected private key. Thanks guanglinlv for the patch.
    • bugfix: posted event handler was called after event memory was freed. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-resty-core to v0.1.26

    • bugfix: ngx.worker.pids() should also be supported on windows. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • optimize: avoid NYI in the get_string_buf function. Thanks Jiahao Wang for the patch.
    • feature: implemented monotonic_msec() and monotonic_time() in resty.core.time. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: get ngx_lua_version before 'not ngx.config'. Thanks willmafh for the patch.
    • feature: add ngx.worker.pids to get all workers pid map. Thanks attenuation for the patch.
    • optimize: destroy pipe when freeing request. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • optimize: localize pcall function in base.lua to improve performance. Thanks Chrono for the patch.
    • feature: implemented get_supported_versions() in clienthello phase. Thanks Attenuation for the patch.
    • bugfix: Apple Silicon FFI ABI limitation workaround. Thanks Chrono for the patch.
    • bugfix: did not get the correct error message for when require module. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: added support for ssl_server_rewrite_by_lua. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • cosocket: add function tcpsock:setclientcert, reimplemented tcpsock:sslhandshake with FFI. Thanks Datong Sun for the patch.
    • feature: provide a way to reuse table in ngx.req.get_uri_args. Thanks 罗泽轩 for the patch.
    • feature: add FFI implementation for ngx.arg getter. Thanks 罗泽轩 for the patch.
    • optimize: localize bit.bor in clienthello.lua to improve performance. Thanks Chrono for the patch.
    • optimize: reimplemented the coroutine wrapper using the FFI API. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: support passphrase protected private key. Thanks guanglinlv for the patch.
    • feature: reimplemented ngx.req.is_internal with LuaJIT FFI. Thanks chronolaw for the patch.
    • optimize: removed the extra return. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
  • upgraded luajit2 to v2.1-20230410

    • Improve error reporting on stack overflow.
    • Avoid negation of signed integers in C that may hold INT*_MIN.
    • Correct fix for stack check when recording BC_VARG.
    • Disable FMA by default. Use -Ofma or jit.opt.start("+fma") to enable.
    • FFI: Fix dangling reference to CType. Improve checks.
    • ARM64: Fix code generation for IR_SLOAD with typecheck + conversion.
    • Avoid assertion in case of stack overflow from stitched trace.
    • Ensure correct stack top for OOM error message.
    • ARM64: Fix IR_SLOAD assembly.
    • Fix trace join to BC_JLOOP originating from BC_ITERN.
    • bugfix: fix math.floor() and math.ceil(). Thanks Aditya Bisht for the patch.
    • Add -F option to override filename in jit.bcsave (luajit -b).
    • Patch luajit.pc with INSTALL_INC, if customized.
    • LJ_GC64: Fix lua_concat().
    • Prevent use of RTLD_DEFAULT when NO_RTLD_DEFAULT is defined.
    • Improve GC estimation for userdata with attached managed memory.
    • Add missing GC steps to string buffer methods.
    • x86/x64: Limit VLOAD fusion to simple cases.
    • OSX/iOS/ARM64: Fix generation of Mach-O object files.
    • Prevent trace start at BC_ITERL after compiled BC_ITERN.
    • ARM64: Allow building with unwinding disabled.
    • FFI: Fix sizeof expression in C parser for reference types.
    • FFI: Fix ffi.alignof() for reference types.
    • FFI: Allow ffi.metatype() for typedefs with attributes.
    • OSX/iOS/ARM64: Fix bytecode embedding in Mach-O object file.
    • LJ_GC64: Fix IR_VARG offset for fixed number of results.
    • x86/x64: Fix math.ceil(-0.9) result sign.
    • Make embedded bytecode readable and forward-compatible.
    • Update console build instructions.
    • Avoid zero-sized arrays in jit_State.
    • Don't use jit_State during build with JIT disabled.
    • DynASM/ARM64: Fix LSL/BFI* encoding with variable registers.
    • Fix ITERN loop detection when hook checks are enabled.
    • Prevent C compiler undefined-behavior optimization.
    • Fix alias analysis for table length forwarding.
    • Fix loop initialization in table.foreach().
    • LJ_GC64: Fix HREFK optimization.
    • Fix recording of __concat metamethod.
    • Cleanup of system and architecture support docs.
  • upgraded resty-cli to v0.29

    • change: save the original ngx.exit to ngx.orig_exit. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-cjson to

    • bugfix: empty_array can not work on Apple because cjson did not compare light userdata address with masked address. Thanks Datong Sun for the patch.
    • bugfix: windows luarocks doesn't export Thanks momoterraw for the patch.
  • upgraded headers-more-nginx-module to v0.34

    • bugfix: nginx crash when accessing uninitialized pointer. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • bugfix: update handling of multiple headers changed in nginx 1.23.0. Thanks Hiroaki Nakamura for the patch.
    • bugfix: fixed build error with nginx >= 1.23.0. Thanks somni for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck to v0.07

    • change: improved healthcheck status for prometheus. Thanks Jonas Badstübner for the patch.
    • bugfix: has not been assigned to ctx. Thanks yueziii for the patch.
    • feature: allowing check on different port. Thanks Franck Lombardi for the patch.
    • feature: add HTTPS health check. Thanks Yannic Rieger for the patch.
    • feature: add prometheus metrics format status. Thanks Yannic Bastian Rieger for the patch.
  • upgraded opm to v0.0.7

    • change: web: show the package installation command in the package details page. Thanks guisheng zhou for the patch.
    • bugfix: 'install_dir' should not be /usr/local/openresty/site but /usr/local/openresty/bin. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: web: support github login and deferred deletion. Thanks xlibor for the patch.
  • upgraded ngx_devel_kit to v0.3.2

    • change: fixed a typo in ndk_upstream_list.c. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-resty-lock to v0.09

    • optimize: return setmetatable is NYI. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
  • upgraded srcache-nginx-module to v0.33

    • bugfix: update handling of cache_control changed in nginx 1.23.0. Thanks Hiroaki Nakamura for the patch.
    • change: add status code 307, 308 to the default value of srcache_store_statuses. Thanks Jérémy Lal for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-resty-websocket to v0.10

    • feature: add mtls client cert support. Thanks Qi for the patch.
    • optimize: localize some ngx.* API to improve performance. Thanks Chrono for the patch.
    • bugfix: default to port 443 for wss urls. Thanks John Regan for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-resty-lrucache to v0.13

    • optimize: remove NYI call in lurcache. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-resty-upload to v0.11

    • feature: add an option to preserve body. Thanks Suika for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-resty-memcached to v0.17

    • optimize: return setmetatable is NYI which can not be jit compiled. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • optimize: reuse the cmd_tab to minimize the gc. Thanks lijunlong for the patch.
    • feature: implemented {init,commit,cancel}_pipeline(). Thanks syz for the patch.
    • feature: add support for connecting over TLS. Thanks Alessandro Ghedini for the patch.
  • upgraded echo-nginx-module to v0.63

    • optimize: fix potential null pointer dereference found by Coverity. Thanks Ilya Shipitsin for the patch.
    • bugfix: fix potential null pointer dereference found by Coverity. Thanks Ilya Shipitsin for the patch.
    • bugfix: fix minor issue found by Coverity in src/ngx_http_echo_subrequest.c. Thanks Ilya Shipitsin for the patch.
  • upgraded drizzle-nginx-module to v0.1.12

    • bugfix: fix potential null pointer dereference found by Coverity. Thanks Ilya Shipitsin for the patch.


We have run extensive testing on our Amazon EC2 test cluster and ensured that all the components (including the Nginx core) play well together. The latest test report can always be found here:

We also always run our OpenResty Edge commercial software based on the latest open source version of OpenResty in our own global CDN network (dubbed "mini CDN") powering our and websites. See for more details.

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