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OpenResty RC2 is out

Yichun Zhang (agentzh) , 08 May 2019 (created 08 May 2019)

We have just kicked out a new release candidate, OpenResty RC2, for the community to test out.

Source package

PGP for this source tar ball:

Windows binary packages

Win64 version:

PGP for the Win64 zip file:

Win32 version:

PGP for the Win32 zip file:


Special thanks go to all our developers and contributors! Also thanks Thibault Charbonnier for his great help in preparing this release.

Version highlights

The highlights of this release candidate are:

  • We now load resty.core by default in ngx_lua and ngx_stream_lua. This behavior can be disabled with the new lua_load_resty_core directive. Note that the resty.core implementation is both safer and faster, but also required for complete ARM64 support.

Full Change logs

Complete change logs since the last release candidate, RC1:

  • bugfix: win32/win64: the error log buffer size was merely 2048 bytes, and is now updated to 4096 bytes.
  • upgraded ngx_lua to 0.10.15.
    • feature: implemented the lua_load_resty_core directive which loads resty.core by default. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
    • bugfix: ngx.pipe: fixed a segfault when error_log is configured with syslog. Thanks spacewander for the patch.
    • bugfix: ngx.pipe: cleared the pending event after aborting the uthread. Thanks spacewander for the patch.
  • upgraded ngx_stream_lua to 0.0.7.
    • feature: implemented the lua_load_resty_core directive which loads resty.core by default. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
  • upgraded lua-resty-core to 0.1.17.
    • bugfix: regex: disabled PCRE JIT compilation and regex caching in init_by_lua* when running on macOS. Thanks Datong Sun for the patch.
    • bugfix: ensured resty.core can be loaded in NGINX < 1.11.7. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
    • bugfix: ensured resty.core can be loaded in binaries without PCRE support. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
    • optimize: removed redundant requires in resty/core.lua. Thanks chronolaw for the patch.
    • misc: updated calls to error() to be thrown from the user's stack level. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
    • bugfix: ensured os.getenv() can be localized before/after loading resty.core. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
    • bugfix: ndk: we should use the current request when the function is called. Thanks spacewander for the patch.
    • optimize: regex: improved heuristic enabling the PCRE MAP_JIT workaround. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
  • upgraded LuaJIT to 2.1-20190507.
    • feature: luajit -bl: dump the constant tables (KGC and KN) for each Lua proto object as well.
    • bugfix: fixed a segfault when unsinking 64-bit pointers. Thanks Luke Gorrie and Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.
    • bugfix: guarded the jit_prngstate() builtin with the LJ_HAS_JIT macro. Thanks abhay1722 for the patch.
  • upgraded resty-cli to 0.24.
    • bugfix: nginx-xml2pod: ensured <link> tags contents are parsed. Thanks Thibault Charbonnier for the patch.


Feedback on this version is always welcome. Feel free to create new GitHub issues or send emails to one of our mailing lists.