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Test::Nginx 0.30 Released

Johnny Wang , 01 Jun 2022 (created 01 Jun 2022)

We have uploaded Test::Nginx 0.30 to CPAN:

It will appear on the CPAN mirror near you in the next few hours or so. After that, you can install the module like below

sudo cpan Test::Nginx

or better, when you have the App::cpanminus module already installed:

sudo cpanm Test::Nginx

Special thanks go to all our contributors and developers!

Full Change logs

Here's the complete change log for this release (compared to the last CPAN release, 0.29):

0.30 - 2022-05-13

  • bugfix: reserved ports for stream_server_config.

  • feature: expanded environment values in --- tcp_listen section.

  • bugfix: user name with dash was not allowed, eg like 'www-data'. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • bugfix: there can be trailing spaces in HTTP 0.9.

  • feature: add TEST_NGINX_FAST_SHUTDOWN to stop Nginx without graceful. thanks spacewander for the patch.

  • bugfix: supported to parse http trailer in response body. thanks Yuansheng for the patch.

  • change: quic use keepalive_timeout instead of quic_max_idle_timeout now. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • bugfix: did not skip test cases that proxy_pass or directly connect to request server port. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • bugfix: should not change config line number for old test cases. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • bugfix: curl request was sent before nginx startup when running in valgrind mode. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • bugifx: waitpid failed when the process is not subprocess of perl. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • bugfix: nginx reload hangs when http3 is enabled. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • feature: support HTTP/3 testing. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • feature: added new section "--- no_access_log" which could be used to specify patterns of lines that do not appear in access.log at all. thanks levy001 for the patch.

  • bugfix: allow capture OpenSSL version without letter. thanks Wangchong Zhou for the patch.

  • feature: check if grep_error_log is defined when grep_error_log_out exists. thanks spacewander for the patch.

  • feature: add '--- curl_options' and '--- curl_protocol' section. thanks woodgear for the patch.

  • feature: added file name to name of the test case. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

  • feature: support FIRST to mark the beginning of test. thanks spacewander for the patch.

  • bugfix: perl did not exit when kill process with SIGKILL. thanks lijunlong for the patch.

About Test::Nginx

This Perl module provides a test scaffold for automated testing in Nginx C module or OpenResty-based Lua library development.

This class inherits from Test::Base, thus bringing all its declarative power to the Nginx C module testing practices.

All of our OpenResty projects are using this test scaffold for automated regression testing.

Please check out the full documentation on CPAN:

as well as the official user guide in the book "Programming OpenResty":

All of our Nginx modules (as well as our lua-resty-* libraries) are using Test::Nginx to drive their test suites. And it is also driving my test cluster running on Amazon EC2:

Please note that this module is completely different from the Test::Nginx module originally created by Maxim Dounin.

The git repository for this Perl module is hosted on GitHub:


Feedback on this release is more than welcome. Feel free to create new GitHub issues or send emails to one of our mailing lists.