OpenResty® Scalable Web Platform by Extending NGINX with Lua

OpenResty XRay

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Video Tutorials

OpenResty XRay

OpenResty Edge

OpenResty XRay

Pinpointing the Hottest Rust Code Paths with High Disk I/O (using OpenResty XRay)

Locate Large Memory Objects inside PHP Processes (using OpenResty XRay)

Pinpointing the hottest Erlang code paths with high CPU usage (using OpenResty XRay)

How to Trace Exceptions inside Perl Applications (using OpenResty XRay)

Analyze OpenResty/Nginx Applications without Debug Symbols (using OpenResty XRay)

Automatic Core Dump Analysis (using OpenResty XRay)

Pinpointing the Hottest Go Code Paths with High Disk I/O

Install OpenResty XRay’s Agents on Amazon Linux via Package Bundles

Pinpointing the hottest PHP code paths with high CPU usage (using OpenResty XRay)

How CPU Time is Spent inside Envoy Servers (using OpenResty XRay)

How CPU Time is Spent inside PHP Laravel Apps (using OpenResty XRay)

Find Blocking Perl Code Paths Holding back CPU Usage (Using OpenResty XRay)

How to Locate Exceptions inside Rust Applications (using OpenResty XRay)

Pinpointing CPU-Hottest Go Code Paths Inside Prometheus

How to Diagnose HTTP 504 Timeout Errors using OpenResty XRay

How CPU Time is Spent inside Go’s CockroachDB (using OpenResty XRay)

Performance Overhead of OpenResty XRay when Tracing Perl Apps

Locate Large Memory Objects inside Perl Processes (using OpenResty XRay)

Install OpenResty XRay’s Agents on Ubuntu via Deb Packages

Performance Impact of OpenResty XRay when Tracing PHP Apps (using OpenResty XRay)

Performance Impact of OpenResty XRay when Tracing Python Apps (using OpenResty XRay)

Performance Overhead of OpenResty XRay when Tracing Go Apps

Performance Impact of OpenResty XRay when Tracing Rust Apps (using OpenResty XRay)

Dynamic-Tracing Custom Go Programs with Custom Ylang Analyzers (using OpenResty XRay)

How Python Django’s Application Uses Memory Internally (Using OpenResty XRay)

How CPU time is spent inside Rust’s sled library (Using OpenResty XRay)

How CPU time is spent inside Go's etcd server (using OpenResty XRay)

Find the largest Python objects or values taking the most RAM (using OpenResty XRay)

Install OpenResty XRay’s Agents on CentOS via RPM Packages

How CPU time is spent inside llama.cpp + LLaMA2 (using OpenResty XRay)

Pinpoint hottest Perl code paths (using OpenResty XRay)

Discover the blocking/sleeping Python code paths (using OpenResty XRay)

Find Blocking Go Code Paths Holding back CPU Usage (Using OpenResty XRay)

Pinpoint CPU-hottest Go code paths online (using OpenResty XRay)

Locate the hottest Lua code paths in online OpenResty/Nginx servers (using OpenResty XRay)

Pinpoint leaked Lua tables with OpenResty XRay's command-line tools

Real-Time Request Counting against Nginx Processes via YSQL

Troubleshoot the extra 200-ms request latency online

How to deploy the on-premises version of OpenResty XRay on Microsoft's Azure cloud

OpenResty Tutorials

Domain-Specific Languages (Implementation Strategies and Technologies)

Install OpenResty on Ubuntu 20.04 via apt-get

Streaming HTTP Response Output in OpenResty

Precompile Lua Modules into LuaJIT Bytecode to Speedup OpenResty Startup

Measure Execution Time of Lua Code Correctly in OpenResty

Lookup OpenResty Documentation on Terminal with restydoc

Share Data Across Requests Served by OpenResty

Install OpenResty on CentOS 8 via dnf

OpenResty's resty Command-Line Utility Demo

Write Your Own Lua Modules in OpenResty/Nginx Applications

Hello World HTTP Example in OpenResty/Nginx

OpenResty Edge

How to Use Gateway Partitions in OpenResty Edge

Control Access to DNS Applications in OpenResty Edge's Admin Console

Call Lua modules by Edgelang in OpenResty Edge

How to Use Global Search in OpenResty Edge's Admin Console

How to Use Gateway Staging Servers in OpenResty Edge

Configuring Webhooks in OpenResty Edge

(old) Configuring Webhooks in OpenResty Edge

Configure Custom Error Pages in OpenResty Edge

Configure DNS Records in OpenResty Edge

User Management and Access Control in OpenResty Edge’s Web Console

Adding Custom Response Headers in OpenResty Edge

How to Use OpenResty Edge's Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) Feature

Use request IDs to troubleshoot problematic requests in OpenResty Edge gateways

Configure hCaptcha’s captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

Pushing static resources to OpenResty Edge gateways

Configuring SNI proxies in OpenResty Edge

Configuring gateway access log files in OpenResty Edge

Load-balancing TCP applications via OpenResty Edge

Configuring error log files in OpenResty Edge

Configuring sticky cookies in OpenResty Edge gateways

How to use Standard Dynamic Metrics in OpenResty Edge

Managing traffic to Kubernetes (K8s) upstreams in OpenResty Edge

Configure distributed gRPC proxy in OpenResty Edge

Web Application Firewall (WAF) in OpenResty Edge

The EdgeLang DSL in OpenResty Edge

Passing client IP addresses to origin servers in OpenResty Edge

Configure HTTP basic auth in OpenResty Edge

Create Custom Dynamic Metrics in OpenResty Edge

Limit Request Rate by Custom Keys in OpenResty Edge

Gateway Config's Version Control & Release Management in OpenResty Edge

Set Different Host Headers for Upstream Requests in OpenResty Edge

Redirect to different URIs Based on Clients' Language Settings (OpenResty Edge)

Enforce the use of SSL in websites via OpenResty Edge

Issue Free SSL Certificates via Let's Encrypt in OpenResty Edge

Upload SSL Certificates for HTTPS Sites in OpenResty Edge

Purge HTTP Cache in OpenResty Edge

Enable HTTP Cache in OpenResty Edge

Set up a Simplest Reverse Proxy and Load Balancer with OpenResty Edge

OpenResty Showman

How to Auto-Generate Demo Videos for Google Search from Screenplay Docs (via OpenResty Showman)

Auto-Generate Demo Videos for Baidu Search from Screenplay Documents (in Chinese)

How We Generate Videos from Screenplay Files