OpenResty® Scalable Web Platform by Extending NGINX with Lua

OpenResty XRay

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Johnny Wang , 19 Jul 2024 (created 21 Jun 2011)

Binary Releases


OpenResty® provides official pre-built packages for common Linux distributions.

We currently support Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Alpine, Amazon Linux, Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux, and CBL Mariner.

We also provide official package repositories for our users so that receiving and installing package updates can be trivial.


All the releases are signed by the public PGP key A0E98066 of Yichun Zhang.

See Windows-specific documentation for basic usage on Windows.


We provide docker images for users with containerization. You can get the official maintained images from Docker Hub.

macOS/Mac OS X

It is highly recommended to install OpenResty on our Mac OS X or macOS systems via homebrew package manager, like this:

brew tap openresty/brew
brew install openresty

If you already installed OpenResty from homebrew/nginx, please run the following command first:

brew untap homebrew/nginx

Hard-core developers may also want to try out the openresty-debug package:

brew install openresty-debug

Please note that you can find the configuration files for openresty under $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/etc/openresty/ (The default value of $HOMEBREW_PREFIX is /usr/local and you can check the value of $HOMEBREW_PREFIX with brew --config command).

Source Code Releases

All the releases are signed by the public PGP key A0E98066 of Yichun Zhang.

You can download the source release tarballs below. After that, you can follow the instructions on the Installation page to build and install it.

Lastest release

Legacy releases

Sometimes, users may want to download old releases.

See Installation for installation instructions.