Pinpointing the Python Code Paths with High Disk I/O (using OpenResty XRay)

Yichun Zhang (agentzh) , 22 Mar 2020 (created 21 Jun 2011)This open source web platform is mainly maintained by Yichun Zhang (agentzh). It was originally sponsored by Yahoo! China and before the year 2011 and it was mainly supported by Cloudflare Inc. between 2012 ~ 2016. Right now it is mainly supported by OpenResty Software Foundation and OpenResty Inc.
Because most of the Nginx modules are developed by the bundle maintainers, it can be ensured that all these modules are played well together.
The bundled software components are copyrighted by the respective copyright holders. Basically only components with BSD style licenses are included. If you find exceptions, please let me know.
This web site is a dynamic web application built completely upon the OpenResty® platform and the PostgreSQL database. The whole application is opensourced on GitHub:
Feel free to fork it or just contact us to obtain a git commit bit if you want to edit and improve this site.