OpenResty® Scalable Web Platform by Extending NGINX with Lua

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ChangeLog 1.0.15

Yichun Zhang , 16 Jun 2012 (created 29 Apr 2012)

Mainline Version - 16 June 2012

  • upgraded Lua Nginx Module to 0.5.0rc32.
    • bugfix: header_filter_by_lua and its friend would leak memory when it is the only directive of Lua Nginx Module configured in a location and the ngx.ctx API is also used there.
    • bugfix: Lua global variables was dangerously shared by all the concurrent requests if the special _G table was used in all those *_by_lua and *_by_lua_file directives. thanks chaoslawful for the patches. but please also note that _G is still shared among all the requests if used in the context of Lua modules, just like all those Lua module level variables.
    • bugfix: the ngx.arg API was not usable within external Lua module files in set_by_lua or set_by_lua_file.
    • bugfix: unexpected values on the Lua stack might be concatenated when generating tracebacks for Lua errors and the Lua VM would crash when there happened to be values on the Lua stack that could not be concatenated (like nil).
    • bugfix: the Lua main thread stack might leak when header_filter_by_lua or header_filter_by_lua_file are used.
    • bugfix: the Lua VM might crash when calling the cosocket methods with a bad-typed self argument.
    • bufix: fixed the directive context for set_by_lua and set_by_lua_file. they really work in the contexts server, server if, location, and location if. thanks Liu Taihua.
    • feature: added new directives log_by_lua and log_by_lua_file to support user Lua code running at the log request processing phase. thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patches.
    • feature: added new directives body_filter_by_lua and body_filter_by_lua_file to allow the user implement nginx output body filters in pure Lua.
    • feature: added support for loading Lua/LuaJIT raw bytecode files automatically in all those *_by_lua_file config directives. thanks jinglong and chaoslawful for the patches. benchmark results have shown that, for very big Lua-based web applications, bytecode loading gives an order of magnitude speedup at first requests that trigger the Lua code loading.
    • feature: added new directive lua_transform_underscores_in_response_headers. thanks Kindy Lin.
    • optimize: now we no longer register the ndk and ngx API for set_by_lua* and header_filter_by_lua* at config time rather than request time. this makes these directives 200+% faster.
    • optimize: eliminated unnecessary string concatenations when generating tracebacks for Lua errors.
    • optimize: now we store the metatables for ngx.req.socket() and ngx.socket.tcp() objects into the Lua registry.
    • optimize: changed the string keys to light userdata for various tracking tables (coroutines table, regex cache table, cosocket connection pool table, ngx.ctx table, and etc). This gives minor performance improvement from eliminating key hashing and etc. thanks Dirk Feytons.
    • diagnosis: now we issue user-friendly error messages when the Nginx Lua APIs are used in the wrong configure directive contexts (e.g., using ngx.location.capture in set_by_lua).
    • docs: fixed a typo: returns time of the resolution of milliseconds, rather than microseconds. thanks Wang Xi.
    • docs: added a note for installation with Lua 5.1 on ubuntu 11.10. thanks Dan Sosedoff.
  • updated nginx-1.0.15-poll_del_event_at_exit.patch. thanks Maxim Dounin.

Stable Release - 13 June 2012

This release is essentially equivalent to the devel version except excluding all the vim backup files *~ from the source code distribution. thanks Xiaoyu Chen.

Components bundled:

  • LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta10
  • array-var-nginx-module-0.03rc1
  • auth-request-nginx-module-0.2
  • drizzle-nginx-module-0.1.2rc7
  • echo-nginx-module-0.38rc2
  • encrypted-session-nginx-module-0.02
  • form-input-nginx-module-0.07rc5
  • headers-more-nginx-module-0.17rc1
  • iconv-nginx-module-0.10rc7
  • lua-5.1.4
  • lua-cjson-1.0.3
  • lua-rds-parser-0.05
  • lua-redis-parser-0.09
  • lua-resty-memcached-0.07
  • lua-resty-mysql-0.07
  • lua-resty-redis-0.09
  • lua-resty-string-0.06
  • lua-resty-upload-0.03
  • memc-nginx-module-0.13rc3
  • nginx-1.0.15
  • ngx_coolkit-0.2rc1
  • ngx_devel_kit-0.2.17
  • ngx_lua-0.5.0rc30
  • ngx_postgres-0.9
  • rds-csv-nginx-module-0.05rc2
  • rds-json-nginx-module-0.12rc10
  • redis-nginx-module-0.3.6
  • redis2-nginx-module-0.08rc4
  • set-misc-nginx-module-0.22rc8
  • srcache-nginx-module-0.13rc8
  • upstream-keepalive-nginx-module-0.7
  • xss-nginx-module-0.03rc9

Mainline Version - 7 June 2012

  • upgraded Lua Nginx Module to 0.5.0rc30.
    • feature: new Lua API, ngx.sleep(), for doing non-blocking sleep in Lua. thanks jinglong for the patch.
    • feature: ngx.log() now checks if the log level number is in the valid range (0 ~ 8). thanks Xiaoyu Chen (smallfish) for suggesting this improvement.
    • bugfix: cosocket:receiveuntil could leak memory, especially for long pattern string arguments. this bug was caught by Test::Nginx::Socket when setting the environment TEST_NGINX_CHECK_LEAK=1.
    • bugfix: could leak memory when the replace template argument string is not well-formed and the o regex option is also specified. this issue was caught by Test::Nginx::Socket when setting environment TEST_NGINX_CHECK_LEAK=1.
    • bugfix: leaked memory when the o option was not specified. this bug was caught by Test::Nginx::Socket when setting the environment TEST_NGINX_CHECK_LEAK=1.
    • bugfix: the Lua _G special table did not get cleared when lua_code_cache is turned off. thanks Moven for reporting this issue.
    • bugfix: cosocket:connect() might hang on socket creation errors or segfault later due to left-over state flags.
    • bugfix: refactored on-demand handler registration. the old approach rewrites to static (global) variables at config-time, which could have potential problems with nginx config reloading via the HUP signal.
    • optimize: now we no longer call ngx_http_post_request to wake up the request associated with the current cosocket upstream from within the cosocket upstream event handlers, but rather call r->write_event_handler directly. this change can also make backtraces more meaningful because we preserve the original calling stack.
    • docs: massive wording improvements from the Nginx Wiki site. thanks Dayo.
  • upgraded Rds Json Nginx Module to 0.12rc10.
    • bugfix: refactored on-demand handler registration. the old approach rewrites to static (global) variables at config-time, which could have potential problems with nginx config reloading via the HUP signal.
  • bugfix: the (optional) no-pool patch might leak memory. now we have updated the no-pool patch to the latest version that is a thorough rewrite.
  • bugfix: applied poll_del_event_at_exit patch that fixed a segmentation fault in the nginx core when the poll event type is used:
  • bugfix: applied the resolver_debug_log patch that fixed reads of uninitialized memory in the nginx core:

Mainline Version - 29 May 2012

  • bugfix: applied the add_core_vars_polluting_globals patch to fix a bug in the nginx core:
  • bugfix: fixed the filter_finalize_hang patch for a regression in the image filters. thanks Maxim Dounin.
  • upgraded Lua Nginx Module to 0.5.0rc29.
    • bugfix: cosocket:receive(0) was not allowed and would throw an error saying 0 was a bad pattern. thanks huang kun for reporting this issue. This issue at least made Lua Resty Redis Library reject reading 0-size values.
    • bugfix: the set_by_lua directive did support nginx variable interpolation and there was no easy way to use the dollar sign characters in the literal Lua source. the set_by_lua_file directive still supports nginx variable interpolation in its lua file path argument. thanks Vittly for reporting this in github issue #111 and jinglong for the test in github pull #115.
    • bugfix: fixed compilation errors when PCRE is missing. thanks Dirk Feytons for the patch.
    • feature: added the [lua] prefix to the log messages produced by ngx.log() and print(). thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patches.
    • feature: ngx.log() and print() now output more debugging info, i.e., the current lua source file name (if any), the current source line number, and the current calling Lua function name (if any), into the Nginx error.log file. An example message is
      [error] 56651#0: *1 [lua] test.lua:6: bar():
      . thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patch.
    • feature: added the rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone directive which can control whether or not to disable postponing rewrite_by_lua and rewrite_by_lua_file to the end of the access request-processing phase. thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patches.
    • feature: added new Lua method ngx.decode_args to decode URI-encoded query strings into Lua tables. thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patches.
    • feature: the special $prefix and ${prefix} notations can now be used in the directives lua_package_path and lua_package_cpath to indicate the nginx server prefix path (usually determined by the -p PATH command-line option while starting the Nginx server. thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patches.
    • docs: various wording improvements in the documentation from Joshua Zhu.
  • upgraded Rds Json Nginx Module to 0.12rc9.
    • feature: added the rds_json_errcode_key directive to override the default errcode key in the JSON output. thanks Liseen Wan for the patches.
    • feature: added the rds_json_errstr_key directive to override the default errstr key in the JSON output. thanks Liseen Wan for the patches.
  • upgraded Lua Resty Redis Library to 0.09.
    • feature: the hmset method can now take a key and a hash-like table as its arguments. thanks Brian Akins for the patches.
    • docs: fixed a typo found by Lance in README.

Mainline Version - 16 May 2012

  • upgraded LuaJIT to 2.0.0beta10.
  • feature: added the --with-luajit-xcflags=FLAGS option to ./configure to add more C compiler options to LuaJIT's build system.
  • upgraded Lua Nginx Module to 0.5.0rc28.
    • bugfix: ngx.req.socket() did not honor the Expect: 100-continue request header and could hang. thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patch in pull request #107.
    • bugfix: the ngx.req.socket() object (i.e., the downstream cosocket object) did not work with HTTP 1.1 pipelined requests at all.
    • bugfix: the ngx.req.socket() object might lose the last part of the request body when receiving data. this regression had appeared in v0.5.0rc25. thanks Matthieu Tourne for reporting it.
    • feature: detailed backtraces (Lua callstack) will be automatically printed to error.log when the user Lua code is interrupted by Lua exceptions. thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patch in pull request #107.
    • optimize: removed dead code found by Simon Liu via scan-build.
  • upgraded Rds Csv Nginx Module to 0.05rc2.
    • bugfix: the output buffer size would get wrong when the affected_rows field is larger than a single-digit number. thanks Wendal Chen for reporting this by using clang.
  • upgraded Lua Resty String Library to 0.06.
    • feature: added new Lua module resty.random that implements secure random and pseudo-random string generators. thanks Chase Colman for the patch.
    • feature: added new Lua module resty.aes that exposes the AES submodule of OpenSSL via LuaJIT FFI. thanks Chase Colman for the patch.

Mainline Version - 13 May 2012

  • now we bundle Sergey A. Osokin's Redis Nginx Module, 0.3.6, which is also enabled by default. thanks Zhu Feng for requesting this.
  • upgraded Lua Nginx Module to 0.5.0rc27.
    • bugfix: nginx could crash on request finalization when running the cosocket cleanup handle due to the lack of check of the ctx pointer. thanks shaneeb for reporting this in github issue #110.
    • bugfix: ngx.req.get_body_data() could not handle multi-buffer request bodies and discarded the body data after the first buffer.
    • bugfix: ngx.ctx was not accessible at all in set_by_lua*. thanks Pierre.
    • bugfix: fixed typo "on-array", which should be "non-array", in an error message.
    • optimize: now ngx.log is much faster when the log level argument is lower than the actual error_log level specified in nginx.conf. thanks Matthieu Tourne for providing the patch.
    • optimize: now we call ngx_http_lua_socket_finalize in cosocket:setkeepalive() to help buffer reuse.
  • upgraded Set Misc Nginx Module to 0.22rc8.
  • upgraded Srcache Nginx Module to 0.13rc8.
    • bugfix: the Content-Length response header for HEAD requests should leave intact when cache hits happen.
    • bugfix: the srcache_store subrequest did not set the Content-Length request header properly for multi-buffer request bodies. thanks Feibo Lee for submitting the patch.
    • feature: HTTP conditional GET requests are now supported (both If-Modified-Since and If-Unmodified-Since request headers are properly handled). thanks Nginx_User777.
  • upgraded Lua Redis Parser Library to v0.09.
    • feature: added redis.parser._VERSION.
    • bugfix: now we use Lua userdata to allocate memory used on the C side to prevent potential leaks caused by malloc/free, as discussed in github issue #6.
  • upgraded Lua Rds Parser Library to 0.05.
    • feature: added redis.parser._VERSION.
    • bugfix: now we use Lua userdata to allocate memory used on the C side to prevent potential leaks caused by malloc/free, as discussed in github issue #6.
  • upgraded Lua Resty Memcached Library to 0.07.
    • feature: now the methods for the Memcached storage commands now accept Lua tables as the value argument. thanks Brian Akins for the patch.
  • upgraded Lua Resty Upload Library to 0.03.
    • feature: now the raw headers for each part are also returned, as suggested by zou2062 in github issue #1.
  • applied the patch for a bug in ngx_http_named_location to the nginx core:
  • applied the patch for a bug in the filter finalizer to the nginx core:

Mainline Version - 29 April 2012

  • upgraded the Nginx core to 1.0.15.
  • bugfix: now we also add <openresty_prefix>/lualib/?/init.lua to the default package.path search list. thanks bigplum for reporting this issue.
  • upgraded Lua Nginx Module to 0.5.0rc25.
    • bugfix: cosocket connections from the connection pool might lead to segfaults if it is not used immediately. thanks xukaifu for reporting this as github issue #108.
    • bugfix: debug logging in the cosocket receive line method could lead to invalid memory reads under extreme network conditions. this issue was caught by mockeagain in reading mode.
    • bugfix: downstream cosockets might hang on the receive(size) method call for slow connections. mockeagain in reading mode caught this issue.
    • bugfix: we no longer forcibly quit the lua threads by clearing out its environment and running it blindly to the end because Lua GC will collect all those unfinished coroutines anyway.
    • bugfix: improved the longjmp handling when Lua panic happens.
    • bugfix: certain compilers might complain about missing declarations for types like int8_t. now we explicitly included stdint.h. thanks runner-mei for reporting it in github issue #98.
    • feature: added new constant ngx.HTTP_OPTIONS for the HTTP OPTIONS method.
    • feature: added support for OPTIONS method in the subrequest capture APIs. thanks Jónas Tryggvi Jóhannsson for requesting this in github issue #102.
    • feature: added publich C functions ngx_http_lua_add_package_preload, ngx_http_lua_get_global_state, and ngx_http_lua_get_request to help other Nginx C modules expose new functionalities to Lua Nginx Module. thanks Brian Akins for suggesting them in github pull request #101.
    • feature: made ngx_http_lua_api.h visible to other Nginx modules by adding src/api/ to the CORE_INCS config variable value in the config file. thanks Brian Akins for suggesting this in github pull request #105.
    • feature: add the gdbinit script to ease Lua user code debugging (Wang Xiaozhe).
    • optimize: various optimizations in cosocket's timeout handling. this gives about 2.5+% performance boost in some benchmarks using Lua Resty Redis Library and Lua Resty MySQL Library.
  • upgraded Rds Json Nginx Module to v0.12rc8.
    • bugfix: Microsoft C compilers complained about missing declarations of the type int8_t. now we explicitly include stdint.h. thanks runner-mei for reporting this issue in github issue #3.
  • upgraded Set Misc Nginx Module to 0.22rc7.
    • bugfix: we should omit the set_sha1 directive when we do not have any SHA1 libraries (including OpenSSL) installed. thanks runner-mei for reporting this in github issue #9.
    • feature: added new config directive set_rotate.
  • upgraded Drizzle Nginx Module to 0.1.2rc7.
    • bugfix: reading data on a reused MySQL connection (coming from the connection pool) could hang due to the inactive read event when poll event API is used in nginx.
  • upgraded Lua Resty MySQL Library to 0.07.
    • fixed a typo in error messages.
    • skipped parsing those column fields that we do not use (yet). this makes things noticeably faster.

See ChangeLog 1.0.11 for change log for ngx_openresty 1.0.11.x.